Century Inspection has been involved in pipeline inspection, investigation, and maintenance, both in the United States and throughout the world. While our primary duties are usually the inspection and qualification of welding and welded joints during the construction phases, we are also involved in investigation and qualification of construction techniques, and corrosion/stability studies as the structures age.
Pipeline Inspection can involve working in some extremely remote, even inhospitable locales. This is particularly true during the construction phase, prior to development of access roads, etc. The ability to perform successfully in these locations requires a combination of experienced personnel and reliable equipment. Century Inspection personnel have performed services in the most remote of such areas, from the arctic climes of the Alaska North Slope to the jungles of Ecuador.
Century Inspection maintains a fleet of mobile laboratories, each equipped to handle the rigors and requirements of remote use. These labs are equipped with a variety of specialized equipment including special field-use film dryers, darkrooms, portable x-ray machines, densitometers, and a variety of supplies specially developed for remote location gamma and/or x-ray radiography.
Century Inspection, as an essential part of its pipeline inspection capabilities, can provide several pipeline crawlers, each designed for specific pipe size ranges and environmental conditions. Crawlers are an example of automated radiography, wherein the crawler is designed to propel itself through the interior of a pipe, automatically detecting and x-raying welds and joints.
Arctic endeavors require not only the ability to perform well while working in some of the most extreme environmental conditions on earth, but also requires consideration for one of the most pristine ecosystems remaining today.
Century Inspection personnel have maintained a virtually uninterrupted presence in the North Slope Oil Fields since 1975.
The ability to perform well under arctic conditions requires highly skilled personnel, who are knowledgeable not only in their own specializations, but also in the rigid safety and environmental requirements.
Century Inspection has been an acknowledged leader in the maintenance of an excellent record of safe performance, while at the same time remaining sensitive to the special environmental concerns necessary to protect the beauty and magnificence of an environment such as Alaska’s North Slope.